Privacy Policy


Contact Form

The contact form includes any information you freely include as part of the enquiry - name, email address and message. We will record the ip address for our own security to monitor spam. This information will not be divulged to third parties without your consent.

Email addresses are private and will not be passed on unless it is relevant to the enquiry, and then only with your permission.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. The cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser.

All cookies are categorized as (1) Essential - so the website works correctly. (2) Optional - useful for things like style and presentation, advertising and marketing, but not essential for the site to work. (3) Third party - cookies from software of third parties, for example analytics or similar.

Cookies on our web site

There are no third party cookies on this site as we do not track visitors. We do not currently add any cookies ourselves either. If we need to in the future it will only be a session cookie to enable the site to run correctly and so can be deleted easily when you leave our website.

It will not track you in any way.

Website monitoring

The website does log the ip address of visitors to the website as part of the standard operation of the site.

The information is not shared and only used in the logs. There is no way for the server to track where you go to after leaving our site.